Alícia Peres, photographer. Website containing photos, cinema experiences and videos. Website de Alícia Peres, fotógrafa, artista visual. Veja aqui experimentos em cinema e video.
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Alícia Peres

Alícia Peres is a Cinematographer, Film Director and Screenwriter for non-fiction and fiction. She has a degree in Journalism (PUC-SP) and is a member of DAFB, Impulso Coletivo and Dual Cena Contemporânea, creative collectives working across the globe. From 2019 to 2021, Alícia took the Viewfinder Masters program, a specialization course in Cinematography for Film. Sponsored by the prestigious Erasmus Mundus scholarship, she studied at the National Film Schools in Dublin, Budapest and Tallinn.
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Alícia Peres